Category: Uncategorized
Analysis: The Affordable Care Act and Uninsured Rates
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), enacted in 2010, marked a significant milestone in the U.S. healthcare system, aiming to reduce the uninsured population and increase access to affordable health insurance. A key feature of the ACA was the individual mandate, which required most Americans to have health insurance or face a financial penalty. Using health…
R Made Simple: Combining Multiple Files into One Seamless Dataset
Merging multiple files in R is a common task for data analysts and researchers, particularly when working with datasets that are spread across separate files, such as annual reports or survey data. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to consolidating multiple files into a single, unified dataset. To begin, you need to identify the directory…
The Uninsured Landscape: Exploring America’s Healthcare Coverage Gaps
Disparities in Uninsured Rates Across States The visualization ranks U.S. states by the percentage of uninsured individuals aged 0-64, revealing significant disparities in healthcare coverage across the nation. Texas stands out with the highest uninsured rate of 19%, which is more than double that of California and Florida, the next highest states, at 9.3% and…
Analysis of Consumer Price Index (CPI) Over Time: Did the Inflation Reduction Act Reduce Inflation?
The chart above illustrates the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from January 1, 1913, to the present, highlighting the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) enactment on August 16, 2022 with a dashed vertical line. This act aimed to combat rising inflation and stabilize prices. To assess its impact, we conducted a statistical analysis to answer the question:…
1971 and Beyond: A Statistical Insight Into the Inflation Impact of Fiat Currency
Overview of the Chart This chart shows the Consumer Price Index (CPI) Over Time from January 1, 1913, to the present, highlighting a significant shift in inflation trends. The CPI remained relatively stable and grew gradually from 1913 to the early 1970s, reflecting an era when the U.S. dollar was backed by gold. However, after…
Fiscal Footprints: Tracking U.S. Presidents by Debt Growth Percentage
The chart illustrates the Debt Change Percentage by U.S. Presidents, highlighting significant variations in debt changes across different administrations. Notably, outliers such as Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Martin Van Buren exhibit dramatic debt increases, with percentages exceeding 600%, although their exact values are not fully displayed due to the chart’s axis limits. These…
What the U.S. Can Learn About Fiscal Discipline from El Salvador’s Inflation Stability
The United States could benefit from examining El Salvador’s approach to inflation management, which underscores the importance of fiscal discipline and monetary constraints. As a dollarized economy, El Salvador does not have the ability to print its own currency, tying its inflation rate to the stability of the US dollar. This structural limitation forces the…
The United States: Energy Independence or Deliberate Dependency?
The United States, the world’s largest producer of oil with 759.5 million tonnes produced in 2022, paradoxically remains energy-dependent. This dependency stems from a combination of domestic factors and global energy policies, with some questioning whether this reliance is an unintended consequence or a deliberate design. Energy Dependency: Structural and Economic Realities Despite leading in…
Unpacking U.S. Poverty and Income Trends: Why Rising Incomes Aren’t Ending Poverty
Introduction: The Puzzle of Progress Over the past three decades, the U.S. has witnessed significant growth in real median household income, yet poverty rates have only seen modest declines. Using data from the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED), this analysis reveals the nuanced relationship between these two metrics from 1989 to 2023. What emerges is…
Tracking Inflation Across Presidencies: A Historical View of the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
The chart presents a comprehensive view of the annual average Consumer Price Index (CPI) during the presidencies of George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden. By examining this data, we gain insights into the inflationary trends that have shaped the U.S. economy over the past two decades. The Bush Era (2001–2009):George W.…