1. Overview
  2. Objective
  3. Solution
  4. Features
  5. Data Simulation and Generation
  6. Process Behavior Chart
  7. Moving Range Chart
  8. Summary Statistics
  9. Benefits


A financial analytics company has developed a system to assist businesses in monitoring and analyzing their financial health and operational efficiency. The system uses a sophisticated data generation and visualization approach to provide insights into key financial metrics.


To provide businesses with a comprehensive, real-time understanding of their financial performance, specifically focusing on the relationship between sales and working capital, and to detect any anomalies or trends that could indicate potential issues or opportunities.


The system utilizes a custom-built R function (generate_data) to simulate financial data. This data represents a company’s sales and working capital over 60 time periods. The function can generate data based on different statistical distributions, offering flexibility in modeling various financial scenarios.

Generate Data Function:
    generate_data <- function(n, dist, ...) {
             "normal" = rnorm(n, ...),
             "uniform" = runif(n, ...),
             "exponential" = rexp(n, ...),
             stop("Unsupported distribution")


  1. Data Simulation and Generation: The generate_data function allows the simulation of sales and working capital data based on a normal distribution, tailored to the business’s historical data patterns.

  2. Sales to Working Capital Ratio Metric: The system calculates the ratio of sales to working capital for each time period, providing insights into how efficiently a company is using its working capital to generate sales.

    data$sales_to_working_capital_ratio <- with(data, sales / working_capital)
  3. Statistical Process Control (SPC): Using SPC techniques, the system calculates control limits Upper Non-conformance Proportion Limit (UNPL), Lower Non-conformance Proportion Limit (LNPL), and Upper Range Limit (URL) to identify out-of-control conditions.

    Statistical Process Control (SPC) Calculation:
        UNPL <- X + (2.66 * mean_mR)
        LNPL <- max(X - (2.66 * mean_mR), 0)
    Moving Range Upper Range Limit Calculation:
        URL <- 3.27 * mean_mR
  4. Visualization: Two types of plots are generated:

    • Sales to Working Capital Ratio Process Behavior Chart: Displays the ratio over time with control limits, highlighting periods where the ratio exceeds control limits.

    • Moving Range Plot: Shows the fluctuation in the sales to working capital ratio, providing insights into the stability of the company’s financial performance.

Data Simulation and Generation

This R script provides a comprehensive approach to generating and analyzing simulated data. The core functionality is encapsulated in the generate_data function, designed to create datasets based on specified statistical distributions, including normal, uniform, and exponential. This flexibility makes it a versatile tool for simulating a variety of data scenarios.

The script proceeds to simulate sales and working capital data for 60 time periods, using a normal distribution with predefined means and standard deviations. This simulated data is then structured into a dataframe, enabling further analysis.

A key aspect of the analysis is the calculation of the Sales to Working Capital Ratio, an important metric in financial analysis, reflecting a company’s operational efficiency. The script calculates this ratio for each time period, providing insights into the company’s financial health over time.

Additionally, the script introduces the concept of process control by calculating the central value (X) and the moving range (mR) of the Sales to Working Capital Ratio. This is crucial for understanding the variability and stability of the process over time.

Control limits are then established, including the Upper Range Limit (URL) and the Upper and Lower Natural Process Limits (UNPL and LNPL), which are essential for identifying out-of-control conditions in a process behavior chart. These control limits are appended to the dataframe, setting the stage for subsequent visualization and detailed process analysis.

In summary, this script is a robust tool for simulating financial data and conducting an in-depth trend analysis using key statistical and process control techniques. It’s an excellent resource for financial analysts and data scientists looking to understand and visualize trends in operational efficiency metrics.

# Function to generate data based on distribution type
generate_data <- function(n, dist, ...) {
           "normal" = rnorm(n, ...),
           "uniform" = runif(n, ...),
           "exponential" = rexp(n, ...),
           stop("Unsupported distribution")

# Simulate data
n <- 60  # Number of time periods
time_periods <- 1:n
sales <- generate_data(n, "normal", mean = 100000, sd = 20000)
working_capital <- generate_data(n, "normal", mean = 50000, sd = 10000)

# Create a dataframe
data <- data.frame(
    time_period = time_periods,
    sales = sales,
    working_capital = working_capital

# Calculate the Sales to Working Capital Ratio
data$sales_to_working_capital_ratio <- with(data, sales / working_capital)

# Calculate the central value (X) and moving range (mR)
X <- mean(data$sales_to_working_capital_ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
data$moving_range <- c(NA, abs(diff(data$sales_to_working_capital_ratio)))

# Create a dataframe for moving ranges excluding NA values
mR_df <- na.omit(data.frame(MovingRange = data$moving_range))

# Calculate the mean of the moving range
mean_mR <- mean(mR_df$MovingRange, na.rm = TRUE)

# Calculate the Upper Range Limit (URL)
URL <- 3.27 * mean_mR

# Control limits
UNPL <- X + (2.66 * mean_mR)
LNPL <- max(X - (2.66 * mean_mR), 0)

# Append control limits to the data frame for plotting
data$UNPL <- UNPL
data$LNPL <- LNPL

Process Behavior Chart

The Sales to Working Capital Ratio Process Behavior Chart displays the ratio over time with control limits, highlighting periods where the ratio exceeds control limits.

sales_plot <- ggplot(data, aes(x = time_period, y = sales_to_working_capital_ratio)) +
    geom_line(color = "blue") +
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept = UNPL, color = "UNPL"), linetype = "dashed", show.legend = TRUE) +
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept = X, color = "Mean"), linetype = "dashed", show.legend = TRUE) +
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept = LNPL, color = "LNPL"), linetype = "dashed", show.legend = TRUE) +
    labs(title = "Sales to Working Capital Ratio with Control Limits",
         x = "Time Period",
         y = "Sales to Working Capital Ratio") +
    scale_color_manual(name = "Legend", 
                       values = c("UNPL" = "red", "Mean" = "darkgreen", "LNPL" = "red"),
                       labels = c(paste("UNPL (", round(UNPL, 2), ")", sep = ""),
                                  paste("Mean (", round(X, 2), ")", sep = ""),
                                  paste("LNPL (", round(LNPL, 2), ")", sep = ""))) +

# Print Sales to Working Capital Ratio Plot

Moving Range Chart

Moving Range Plot shows the fluctuation in the sales to working capital ratio, providing insights into the stability of the company’s financial performance.

moving_range_plot <- ggplot(mR_df, aes(x = c(2:n), y = MovingRange)) +
    geom_line(color = "blue") +
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept = URL, color = "URL"), linetype = "dashed", show.legend = TRUE) +
    labs(title = "Sales to Working Capital Ratio with Moving Range",
         x = "Time Period",
         y = "Moving Range") +
    scale_color_manual(name = "Legend", 
                       values = c("URL" = "purple"),
                       labels = c(paste("URL (", round(URL, 2), ")", sep = ""))) +

# Print Moving Range Plot

Summary Statistics

Using summary(data$sales_to_working_capital_ratio) is a convenient way to quickly get a sense of the distribution and central tendencies of the Sales to Working Capital Ratio in your dataset, which can be crucial for understanding overall financial performance trends.

# Summary statistics of the Sales to Working Capital Ratio
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   1.243   1.687   2.006   2.102   2.510   3.984


  1. Proactive Financial Health Monitoring: By continuously tracking key financial ratios and their variability, businesses can proactively identify trends or issues.
  2. Data-Driven Decision Making:The system provides empirical data, supporting more informed strategic decisions regarding financial management.
  3. Customization and Flexibility: The ability to simulate data based on different distributions allows for tailored analyses that match the specific characteristics of a business.
  4. Early Warning System: Control charts act as an early warning system, signaling when financial metrics deviate significantly from the norm.
  5. Performance Benchmarking: Businesses can benchmark their performance against industry standards or historical data.